Day 2192 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Peter 4:11 NIV

Today is the 6 year anniversary of that very first daily Bible post back in 2015. I definitely never thought that I would keep that going for this long! But I'm beyond thankful for the opportunity and ability to do so. One of the biggest things that I've discovered along the way is that God's given each of us a voice and an opportunity to make a difference. And while our voices may sound different and our callings are also unique, each one of them is truly important!

I wanted to share that with you today because I know that life is often frustrating. We can easily start feeling like we don't matter. There are so many people in this world, each with a lot going on. So it's far too easy to feel like we're forgotten, alone, and meaningless. But you're not! None of us are. Every single one of us is known and loved by the One True King! And each of us can make a huge difference with these lives that He's given us.

He didn't just put us together and send us off to live life as we see fit. He created us with a specific mission in mind. Some might be really big. Others are quite small. But at the end of the day, it doesn't matter if we reach one person or a million. What matters is that we spend our lives following where God leads and spreading the truth through the doors that He opens to do so.

Our post the other day talked about how we're all a part of something bigger than we can comprehend. It really is amazing that God can use each of us for something. Maybe it's sharing the Gospel with someone who's never heard it before. Maybe it's giving someone the encouragement to keep going when they're ready to give up. Or it could be something as simple as just being kind to strangers. Whatever the case may be, we need to always remember that we're here for a reason.

So wherever you are today just know that God has you there on purpose. Know that there are doors opening and opportunities coming to make a positive impact in this life. Whatever you do, whatever you say do it all for the glory of God. Live life in a way that points others to Him and reminds them of the amazing promises that He has for all of us. That's something that will always be needed!

As I've often said in these posts, it's not about the size of the impact we have. What matters is that we're following God and living out His will for our lives. Even if we reach just one then we've made a life-changing difference. So never doubt your worth or importance. When we're living to share Christ and His love with those around us then there's simply no way that we can't make a difference that truly matters!


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