Day 2193 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Galatians 5:24 NIV

Here's another really big lesson that I've taken away from all of these verses and posts. Our faith is about setting ourselves aside so that we can focus completely on Christ and living the life that He calls us to live. If left up to our own choices, we will always do what we want and what we think is best. And while we can spin it around in our minds to where our desires make sense, they will never come close to His plans for us.

It's a lesson that I'm working on every single day. I'm realizing more and more that I need to get out of His way. While I'm focused on my own goals and desires I'm more likely to miss out on where He's leading me. If we get too consumed by what we want life to be then we're probably going to miss His path and the life that He created us to live.

As this verse is showing us, if we truly want to live for Christ then we need to stop chasing our own selfish desires. We can't live for Him and still prioritize the things we want. It just can't work that way. At some point we need to choose what actually matters the most to us. If it's doing what we want then fine, just know that even if you get everything you want it can't come close to what He has planned. That's just the facts!

I know that I've spent a lot of time thinking about what I wanted in life, but I'm finally realizing that anything I can come up with is nowhere close to His promises. We need to learn to lose ourselves so that we can gain Him. It's impossible to filled with Christ if we're still holding on to the things that we want. Let it go and then you can take up His promises instead!

Life can either be about us and what we want or it can be about Him and what He has in store. Can't be both. Choose wisely but understand that only one option leads to actual fulfillment in life. And it's definitely not the one that has us chasing after selfish desires! It's only when we let go of everything we want that we can find we've been given more than we can imagine!


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