Day 2194 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Hebrews 13:8 NIV

My family and I are in one of those seasons of constant change. We like to kind of joke about it saying that something new is changing every day but that's pretty much the truth of it. What we manage to figure out or work our way through today might not apply or matter tomorrow. It's one of those periods where we never know what's coming and there's really no way to prepare for it.

That kind of uncertainty can easily bring about stress, worry, doubt, and confusion. The lack of understanding and ability to figure out what's coming next is a pretty uneasy feeling. But I woke up today and one of the first things that crossed my mind is that Christ isn't changing. No matter how crazy things may be in life at any given moment, He is still the same King that He's always been!

So while life brings us uncertainty, He gives us solidity. Our circumstances may be completely out of control as far as we can see, but He still has everything figured out. While things might be chaotic, disorganized, difficult, and even painful we still have His promises to lean on. His love for us doesn't depend on how much we're struggling. His grace isn't dictated by the situations we find ourselves in. He is our one constant in life!

I know I talk about this rather often in these posts, maybe too often, but it's a matter of perspective. If we fix our eyes on what's happening around us then we're going to be at the mercy of our circumstances. But if we stay focused on Him then we know that we'll get through whatever we're facing. We may like being able to understand what's going on and figure everything out. But when that just isn't possible it's more important that we trust in Him!

I wanted to share this one because I know that it's a very common thing that we all face. Life is always unpredictable. We never know what tomorrow will bring us. And it feels even more crazy when you're in a time when it seems that everything is changing by the minute. We need to cling to Him no matter what. He is our foundation. He is our hope. He is our promise! Stop worrying about what's happening around you and hope tight to the hope you have in Him and His unchanging promises!


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