Day 2195 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

John 15:2 NIV

Let's be real with ourselves for a moment. We all have plenty of branches in our lives that aren't bearing fruit. No matter how good we think we are we still have things in our lives that just aren't doing anything to help us. In fact, we have things in our lives that are sucking the life out of the good that we're trying to do. Any time, energy, or attention that we give to the unfruitful things in our lives is wasted!

If we pour anything into our bad habits or poor choices then we're throwing it away. That time and effort could be put into growing our best parts and focusing on improving ourselves. That's one of the big points of the Gospel. It's about realizing our flaws, acknowledging our mistakes, and working on doing better. It's cutting away the negative things we've done and not allowing them to hold us back anymore.

Thankfully God is willing to prune us. He's willing to help us cut away the things that aren't helping us grow. He's able to help us see the areas of our lives that are bringing us down or keeping us from Him and get rid of them so that we can improve. He wants to help us grow into the very best versions of ourselves. But to do that we're going to have to rip out the bad so that it's not choking the life from the good.

So if we're doing something that we know is wrong that's God helping us realize that we need to knock it off and do better. If God is putting it on our hearts to change something, stop something, or leave something behind then you can trust it's for the best! He sees what we can become and He will do whatever it takes to get us there. If that means leading us through the fire to purify us or cutting away the pieces that are holding us back then we need to trust Him!

There is no end to how much we can improve when we let God do His thing in our lives and follow wherever He leads us. It might be scary at times because growing in Him means losing much of what we've learned and become in this world. But if we're willing to let Him cut away everything that we don't need, everything that's holding us back then we will be better for it! It's just amazing that He's willing to us improve when we've given Him so many reasons to give up on us and walk away. But He never will!


  1. Amen. Create in me a pure heart, shape me into the person you created me to be. Thank you Father.

    1. Amen!! I only want what He wants for me because I know it's far better than anything I could be without Him.


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