Day 2197 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Romans 8:37 NIV

Yesterday we talked about Christ's ultimate victory over everything that we could possibly face in life. In Him even death has lost is sting and the ability to scare us. So we have the amazing opportunity to serve the true King whos reign will never end. But I think we sometimes forget that we were born to be overcomers too. So often we allow ourselves to play the victim to our circumstances. That's got to stop!

We were not created to be defeated by sin and darkness. Each of us have been given the light that will see us through everything we face. Our biggest problem is that we forget it. We forget that we have the power to overcome. We forget that we have the right to choose to do better. We forget that we have the ability, the opportunity, and the strength to leave our sinful lives behind us.

It's easier to keep going back to the sins that we know than to turn and walk into a different life. It's easier to continue tripping up over the same stumbling blocks than to look for a different path. Continuing to live in sin and shame is easier than finding our inner strength to stand up and fight back. I guess maybe we see the size of the fight in front of us and keep running back to what we know isn't right. But we have to remember that God is fighting for us. He won't let us be defeated by sin if we choose to stand our ground and make some changes.

The thing is that God loves us and wants the very best for us. That's why He sent His Son to die for our sins and set us free from the darkness we once called home. He wants us to live better lives. But we have to want that too. We have to want to leave the sin and shame behind. We have to stand up and say that the broken ways of this world aren't good enough and fight for more. If we'll do that then you can believe He will be there fighting along side us.

There is nothing we can't do, nothing we can't change, nothing we can't improve if we set our hearts and minds to doing it. Sure it might be hard. It may very well be the hardest thing we ever do. But if we ever want the better life that He created us to live then we have to fight for it. We will get there. We will grow and get stronger. But only if we remember that we share in His victory over sin and fight like we know it!


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