Day 2198 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Acts 1:8 NIV

I'm telling you, we have to stop limiting who we are in our faith. This world likes to keep people down by convincing them that they're small. We've all been told that we're too weak, too messed up, too unimportant to ever make a difference. But the opinions of this place cannot alter what God says about us. And as this verse points out, He created us to be a part of something massive!

We've all been there and that thought of giving up before we even get started. We think, "How can I possibly make a difference? Why should I even try?" Well, because God thinks we can do it. In fact He knows we can do it. He created us to do it! He designed us to be His hands and feet down here. He built us to carry His love and compassion to those around us. So if He doesn't doubt us then we should stop doubting ourselves!

The truth is that it's not about us. It's not about our capabilities. Our impact isn't reliant upon our strength, knowledge, skills, or anything else. It's about what God has given us. It's about what the Holy Spirit can and will do through us when we open up and let it take over. We may feel like Clark Kent, but the Holy Spirit turns us into Superman! And to sum it up rather simply, there is nothing that we can't do when we're following God's path and relying on the Spirit that He gives us.

God calls us to do a very important task. Telling others about Christ and sharing His light and love with the world is something far bigger than we can even comprehend right now. Now if He is asking us to do such an important job, He's definitely going to make sure we're equipped to get it done. He isn't just going to send us out and hope we can manage to figure out how to help Him reach the lost. He's going to guide us every step!

So again, stop limiting who you are in God. This world might not think much of us but who cares? God knows we can help change the world. He knows that we can help reach those who are lost and hurting. He knows that we can make a difference that it bigger than this globe and lasts far longer than these lives. Never doubt who He created you to be. You've got His Holy Spirit inside so there is nothing that you can't do for Him and His kingdom!


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