Day 2199 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

John 8:36 NIV

It's not often that I have something in mind before I even go to sleep the night before. But this one kind of came out of nowhere last night and I couldn't wait to share it with you guys. Do you realize just how free we are? We've been talking about who we are in God and what our faith opens up for us, but I think it's so big that we can't wrap our minds around all that well.

The freedom that Christ died to give us is limitless. If it was worth dying for then you better know it's huge! As I talked about in yesterday's post, we have to stop limiting God and His will for our lives. No matter how big or important we think some aspect of our faith is we can be sure that it's bigger still. And that's definitely true when it comes to the freedom of this faith!

You are free to live! You are free to walk away from anything or anyone that's not good for you. You are free to stop worrying about what others think or say about you. You are free to make the changes you feel you need to make to improve yourself. You are free to focus on God and stop chasing after everything everyone else is consumed with. You are free to shatter the chains of addiction that have held you captive. You are free to simply be you and dive headfirst into the calling that God has for you.

You are free from whatever you need to leave behind and walk away from, if you choose to be. That's the part that we all struggle with. The freedom is there for the taking, but we have to reach out and take it. We have to make that choice to do something different or stop doing something altogether. We have to choose to set aside what's normal, what's comfortable, what's easy and take Christ's offer of true freedom.

I wanted to share this one because it's just exciting and I know that we all need to hear it. You have the ability to break chains and live unimpeded by sin, darkness, shame, or whatever other limit you've been held under. We are free if we choose to be, so why not take that and run with it? Christ took care of our punishment, paid our debt, opened the tomb, and washed all the stains away. So stop letting anything hold you down or keep you from Him!

Don't run back to what He nailed to the cross. Don't settle for something less than what He died to give you! Christ's gift is unlike anything else and if we choose to truly accept it then it will change our lives. Never limit Him or what He can do in your life!


  1. Good day to post this. A new day and a new month. Perfect time to let go of things and walk with Jesus.

    1. Actually didn't think of that but good point! It's always good to leave bad things behind and move on to something better!


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