Day 2201 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Hebrews 10:10 NIV

Yesterday we talked about how we're only as close to God as we choose to be. There are no limits between us and Him. The only things that keep us separated are the things that we allow to linger in our lives. The sins we won't repent of. The poor choices we continue making. The shame that we allow to keep us in hiding. It's on us to let things go because He already has!

That's the whole message of the cross! It was God's way of showing us just how ready and willing He is to forgive. He made the choice to look past our sins, weaknesses, and iniquities and give us the chance to be restored to Him. Christ gave His life so that we could have the opportunity to give up our old lives and take hold of eternal life through His love and mercy.

However, I think we often feel disqualified. We look at all the horrible mistakes we've made and we can't possibly imagine how anyone could forgive us. Plus we're pretty used to being told that our imperfections are something to be ashamed of. So if we are used to living in fear of being rejected for not being perfect, then we can't imagine how God could forgive us when we've messed so much up.

But He has! He has forgiven us. He has chosen to wash all those stains away. He sent Christ to bridge the gap that our choices had made so that we could finally leave our sinful ways behind and live for more. So let it go! Stop holding on to the things that He's already forgiven. Stop thinking that you're disqualified from being saved because that will never be the truth. He died for all of us, and allowing shame to keep us from accepting that gift is one of the worst things we can ever do!

Look, this verse seals the deal. We have been made holy through Christ's sacrifice. All those sins are washed away. Our mistakes are gone. Our shame doesn't hold us captive anymore. We are free to let go of all the doubt, the regret, the weight that has held us down. We've got to let it go so that it doesn't keep us separated from Him any longer. He did the big part of forgiving us. We need to do the small part of humbly accepting that undeserved gift!


  1. It really is amazing. Just accept that he loves us, that Jesus died for us. It is a whole better world then.

    1. Yes it is! Seeing everything through the gifts that we're given really does make things so much better.


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