Day 2202 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

James 1:15 NIV

We've been talking quite a bit about letting go of things that hold us back from God and getting rid of everything that's been between us. Our selfishness and pride are a couple of the biggest stumbling blocks to a life of faith. They keep us focused on all the wrong things and completely shut the door to us relying on God for all we need. Sinful desires are without a doubt one of the biggest things that has to go if we truly want to live by faith.

Sin is death, and when we're lost in that world of evil we don't know what it's like to be alive. It keeps us trapped in this twisted, dark, miserable existence. Sin makes us feel dead inside, but we never notice it. It keeps telling us that more happiness, more satisfaction, more comfort, more excitement are just ahead. So we keep following those broken paths only to never find anything good. We keep falling for the lies because we don't realize that we're being lied to!

Sin is what separates us from God. It's this blind submission to all that's evil and dark in our world. Sin tells us that it can offer everything we could ever want. But it can't possibly fulfill our needs because sin itself is empty. It is completely void of anything good. So it can't make us happy. It can't bring us peace. It can't offer us the fulfillment that each of us are looking for.

Only God can.

In Christ we have life, and life in complete fullness. We have the peace we're seeking. We have the joy that has eluded us for so long. We have these incredible promises that will be fulfilled! But we have to die to sin. We have to wake up and realize what our bad choices and shameful habits are doing to us. Even more than that, we have to realize what they're keeping us from. They're keeping us from our Father!

Friends, please don't miss out on life anymore. Sin can't offer you anything good. And as long as you remain lost in its grip you will never know what it's truly like to be alive! But if you turn to Christ and let Him bring you back to life then you will find every good thing you have ever hoped to find, and so much more! After all, He's pretty well known for bringing folks back to life. He does it every single time someone turns from sin and chooses His ways instead!


  1. And we are not to far gone to be loved by Our Father. accept Jesus and walk in a life of of forgivness and love.

    1. Amen! It's amazing to think that we're never too messed up, too broken, too lost, or too weak. He will meet us wherever we are and lead us to something better than we could ever imagine!


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