Day 2203 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Acts 5:39 NIV

Got another one that stopped me in my tracks during my nightly reading last night. So many times we feel like we're being attacked on every side. As followers of Christ we are not going to fit in with this world. We're not called to. Being viewed as outsiders going against the grain of society will cause friction with those who are good with how this places operates.

I get that it's not fun feeling like the world is against you. That's not an easy thing to get used to. There will always be plenty of people who don't like us, don't agree with our beliefs, and don't want any part of our faith. There will always be a large section of society that does not agree with or appreciate our Christian faith. But we don't need to worry about outside opinions. We don't need to take it personally because this battle is far bigger than us.

We need to be the ones that share the Gospel and spread the good news that our faith has to offer. As this verse is showing us, anyone who is against us is against Him. This isn't a personal fight. This is a spiritual war. And no matter how things may appear at any given moment, He has already won this war! This evil world can fight back all it wants to. Folks can peddle sin and debauchery like candy. Doesn't change His ultimate victory.

If this world wants to push back against us because of what we believe then so be it. They're fighting against God! While it is nearly impossible to not take it personally, we need to remember that it doesn't matter if the world likes us. It doesn't matter if they fight against us. It doesn't matter if they agree or approve of our faith. We are called to live for Christ and nothing should ever hold us back from doing that!

The truth is that if we're following God's path for us then it just doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. There will always be those who are ready to fight against us because we choose to live differently. That's a badge of honor my friends! That's something to be proud of. Never worry about what this world may try to keep you from being who God made you and doing what He put you here to do. They cannot win! They cannot stop what God has planned, so fight on knowing that you're never fighting alone!


  1. To him be the glory, praise and honor forever. We are not here for ourselves but to share his word, to show people to Jesus. Be happy that we are on the side of our Father.

    1. Amen!! Really well said! When we live for more than ourselves and remember that He's always with us then we have every reason to rejoice and be thankful.


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