Day 2204 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Proverbs 28:1 NIV

Our faith empowers us to walk boldly through this earth. Knowing that Christ has forgiven us and set us free from the mistakes of our pasts leaves us with nothing to be ashamed of. We have been accepted and chosen by our Father so we have nothing to prove. Therefore we can spend our time focused on living out the calling of Christ to share the Gospel and live out our faith for the world to see.

As I've said in the past, that may very well be the only Bible that some people read. Our faith should make us stand out because it's a stark contrast to the standard operating procedure of this place. Kindness instead of contempt. Compassion rather than indifference. Love and not hate. Light instead of darkness. The differences are massive and should be clear for all to see in how we treat others and in the words we speak.

We have been made holy through the blood of Christ. Our sins are washed away. The stains are gone. The shame removed. He did all that for us so that we would have nothing to hold us back from making a difference for Him. He needs people who are bold enough to stand out for Him and His kingdom. We can't do that if we're still living in hiding or trying to run away from the regret of our past.

Yesterday we talked about how this world doesn't fight against us. They're pushing against God, and well, that's just never going to work out very well! His victory was sealed at Calvary. Every chain that kept us from living for Him was left in the tomb when the stone was rolled away. We are free to live for Christ knowing that nothing this world does can change what He has already finalized.

Like I said up top, we have nothing to hide and nothing to prove. We're here to point others to Christ, not away from the things we once lived trying to hide. Walk boldly knowing that you're living for something far bigger than yourself. We're all a part of His plans to save souls and heal hearts. That's just far too important to not give it everything we have every single day!


  1. We can live in faith knowing that he will fight our battles for us. We are never alone and we can be strong and know that he has already won the victory.

    1. Amen! All we have to do is live by the faith we profess and just enjoy the journey toward His promises for us.


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