Day 2205 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

2 Timothy 4:7 NIV

I think it's easy to see our faith as a book. We try to contain it in a church. We confine it in songs and well-written articles or social media posts. We try to keep God in this box that makes sense to us so that we can remain comfortable inside of what we can understand. But our faith is alive. It's active. It's moving. It's this journey that keeps unfolding every day that God gives us.

Our faith shouldn't be this accessory that we carry around. It should be the passion that drives us forward. It's not a part-time hobby. It's a life-long calling. It leads us in directions that we would never choose to go. It calls us into battles that we would rather avoid. It guides us up mountains and into valleys where everything we know is tested and tried. It is in that constant refining process that we actually learn what faith is.

We can't try to keep our faith in this little box that makes sense to us. We can't pick and choose the parts that are easy or allow us to remain comfortable. We can't avoid the need to change and leave our old darkened ways behind us. We need to be pushed, stretched, tried, tested, heated, forged because it is in those moments that God helps us learn to seek Him as desperately as we seek air and water.

Don't let the hard parts of this journey cause fractures in your reliance upon God. Keep fighting to cling to Jesus in every moment and your relationship with Him will continually grow and deepen just as it should. Our faith cannot become idle, passive, or part-time. It should be the very basis of everything we do. If we're not actively living out our faith then we're missing countless chances to see God in action and learn more about who He is.

Yes, it will feel like a battle some days. It will take everything we have inside and often much more. It will feel long and arduous at times. Our faith will be tested in this life. But if we hold tight to our beliefs and refuse to stop trying to grow in Christ then we will make it through whatever lies ahead. Keep fighting. Keep trying. Keep going. Where God is taking us is definitely worth the journey to get there!


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