Day 2206 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Matthew 7:13 NIV

I've been thinking about this journey that we call faith. Yesterday we talked about how we need to keep following Christ no matter what because that's the only way to reach the destination that He has planned for us. Now it can be hard to keep living a life of faith in this world. This road goes in a very different direction than where the majority of people are heading.

That's why we need to stop worrying about why our lives look different than everyone else's. Alas, that's an all too common pastime of ours these days. We look around at what everyone else is doing and we can't seem to help but start comparing. We can start wondering why we're different, why our lives are going differently, and maybe even become slightly envious of their story.

Well, this verse makes it pretty evident why we should be thankful that our stories are going differently than most. This road of faith leads to something bigger and better than anything this world will ever find. The roads of sin, selfishness, and debauchery may seem fun and exciting on the surface. We see people relishing in the bounty of what darkness seems to provide. But while it may be fun and games now it's sure gonna suck when the inevitable truth of what sin is becomes unavoidable before Christ.

My point is stop worrying about what everyone else is doing. Stop comparing your life to everyone else's. Most of all, stop wishing that your story read more like that of the world around you. Christ is leading us along the narrow road because that's the one that leads to Him. The road of sin and darkness is wide and commonly traversed. But if we walk that path then we're going to end up with the same destruction that our world's heading for.

We should crave a life that goes differently. We should seek out ways to leave this world and all of its passions behind. We should strive to follow Christ wherever He leads no matter how it may look because that's the only way to Heaven. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life and nobody can reach the Father except through Him. So if we aim for Him and walk along His narrow path then we'll reach that final reward that no worldly road can possibly lead to!


  1. Made me think of the stories of great cities being destroyed and those that were spared. Be not of this world. There are consaquences for every action and we do not want those to be missing knowing our Savior and Father and an eternity in Heaven.

    1. That's a seriously great point! God hasn't changed His mind about the things He's promised. Sin and living according to the ways of this world will keep us from His ultimate rest. Not worth it! We can't let anything keep us from leaving the filth behind and following Him with everything we have. He is still the same God that builds and destroys. Don't risk being on the wrong side of that!


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