Day 2209 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Psalm 118:24 ESV

As I write this I just feel irritated. You ever feel that way? I woke up like that and I don't have any clue as to why. To be honest this has been a really strange season in my family and I's life. It's one of those times when everything just doesn't seem to make sense. Everything is harder than it needs to be. Just as soon as it feels like something is getting back to normal it all gets shaken up again. I know that we've all experienced times like that.

Oddly enough I had a post in mind about finding happiness. And I actually think it's pretty fitting that I woke up today a little sideways. Happiness doesn't hunt us down. It doesn't just show up at our door when everything makes sense and the sun is shining bright. Most of the time happiness is hidden behind the clouds of frustration that often blow across our horizons.

So we better get used to steadily seeking happiness in life. Our lives will never be all sunshine and rainbows. We often find ourselves in the middle of struggles that we can't possibly understand. We are handed situations that we wouldn't wish on anyone else. Hills and valleys seem to be the normal procedure of things nearly every day. But that definitely doesn't mean that we can't find happiness in these lives.

We just need to learn where to look. It's not in getting our way but in trusting in God's will. It's not in being able to understand all the uncertainty but in knowing that nothing is uncertain to Him. Happiness isn't found in a life that unfolds perfectly with nothing bad ever happening. It's found in knowing that whatever happens, good or bad, is all just a small part of this long story called life.

If we only find happiness in the good days then we're going to spend a big portion of our lives miserable. But if we can learn to search for it in even the hardest of days then we will never run out of reasons to smile. Don't let happiness be tied to your circumstances. Connect it to your faith in God and your trust in His bigger plans. All these days along the way are just stepping stones to something far bigger. Don't lose hope or joy along the way!

After all, this is the day that the Lord has made. It doesn't have to be perfect to still be a gift that we didn't have to receive!


  1. Amen. Everyday is a gift from God. We are forgiven, we are loved and we are going to spend eternity in Heaven so yes we have many reasons for joy.

    1. Yep, none of the bumps along the way change the destination!


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