Day 2210 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Proverbs 3:27 NIV

Our failure to act when given the opportunity is our acceptance of the way things are. God gives all of us chances to do good things, be kind to others, and make a difference. And when we fail to do so we're saying that we're okay with missing that opportunity to have an impact. Now when you look around it's clearly evident that far too many are okay with how things currently are.

But we shouldn't be. Maybe it's just a matter of all that my family has been going through recently, or maybe it's just the way that I see things period. Whatever the case, I personally feel that our willingness to love one another should never waver. If anything, it should become more and more important to us because the need for kind hearts and willing hands will never fade.

We can't save up our good deeds for when we feel like being nice. They're not some hobby that we break out when we have a little spare time and nothing else going on. Kindness, as I've said so many times, needs to be one of our biggest motives. Unfortunately we often find excuses that allow us to be comfortable in failing to fulfill our duty of helping those around us. Maybe it's not my place. Someone else will help. Just having a bad day. Well it might be awkward. Enough is enough!

Withholding good from anyone just isn't acceptable. What are we storing up our kindness for? Why are we okay with skipping those chances that God gives us to help someone else? How can we look at someone who needs help and not feel moved to do something? A smile, a prayer, a few minutes to listen, a little bit of change that we'll never use anyway. Kindness doesn't have to be big to be big and I think we need to always remember that.

Again, each of us have opportunities to share the love of Christ with those around us. Ignoring them or failing to step through those doors will only allow things to remain as they are. And no matter your opinion of the current state of affairs, things can always be better. But they will only improve if we step up to the plate and do what we can when we can to make a difference.


  1. Kindness is easy to do, free and goes a long way. Be the difference we were put here to be.

    1. That's pretty much the point! It costs us nothing and does so much good. And when you add on the part about bring the difference we're supposed to be, well, makes being kind the only way to go!


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