Day 2211 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Psalm 34:5 NIV

Don't we get tired of playing the victim in life? Always being defined by the opinions of others or the shame of our past mistakes. Each of us look for proof of our worth to make us feel like we matter. But when we seek that proof in worldly acceptance then we're going to be disappointed. When we try to justify our value by being perfect and never making a mistake then we're going to be let down there as well.

Friends, our worth was proven on the cross. What more do we need? Will the approval of other people make us feel more important than knowing what Christ did for us? Will beating ourselves up every time we make a mistake make us better? Or will that constant need to find more validation only leave us feeling empty because we keep looking in places other than the Gospel?

This is one of those things that I personally think about quite a bit. So much time gets spent trying to find joy in life. We look in so many places but nothing ever does the job. Again, the problem is that we just keep looking in all the wrong places and completely miss the gift that we've already been given. We are children of God! We're accepted, loved, redeemed, forgiven, and set free. What more do we need to find joy?

There's this radiance that we receive when we lay everything at His feet and humbly accept who He says we are. It's this joy that emanates from inside. It's a light that literally shines for all those around us to see. But when we're stuck living in shame of not being perfect or not being accepted by the world around us then that joy stays hidden. When we're living for any reason other than following Christ then that radiant peace remains locked away.

We need to understand that we've already been given everything that we've spent so long looking for. The joy. The peace. The freedom. The fulfillment. It's all ours in Christ! Stop looking for proof that you're loved, that you are enough outside of Calvary! In Him there is no more shame over the stupid things we've done. With Him we do not need the approval or validation of anyone else. We are free to be who He made us through His gift of salvation. So again I ask, what more do we possibly need?


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