Day 2212 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Acts 22:16 NIV

What are we waiting for? Yesterday we talked about the incredible gifts that we receive when we turn to Christ and stay focused on Him. The peace, joy, fulfillment, and every other good thing we're looking for are found in Him! Why keep searching when we know where the treasure is buried? Say you lost your keys. You don't keep looking for them after you've found them do you?

The same thing applies to our faith. It helps us finally wise up and stop looking to empty things to bring us fulfillment. A relationship with Jesus is the only thing that can fill all those holes inside and wash away all the junk that has piled up in our lives. And that freedom is available to everyone! All we have to do is turn back to Him and ask. He will do the rest!

So again, what are we waiting for? Are we allowing shame to keep us chained in place? Are we worried that He will be angry with us for messing up so much? Are we letting doubt keep us from believing that such a gift is actually possible? Are we still blindly convinced that we can find our way to peace and happiness by ourselves? Or maybe we're just so entrenched in sin that we don't think it's actually all that bad.

Whatever the case may be, lose that excuse! Stop letting anything hold you back from the life-altering peace and happiness that comes with Christ's salvation. There is simply no reason good enough to miss out on the greatest gift ever given! Sure, it does mean making some changes in our lives. But nothing we get rid of will ever be missed when we're living in the grace that God so freely gives in exchange for our past sins.

Please stop waiting! Whatever insane reason you may have come up with is only keeping you from the best life ever! Be willing to change. Be ready to learn. Be open and give humility a chance. We're being given this opportunity to have the weight of shame and guilt from our past mistakes literally taken off of our shoulders. How could you not want to experience that?


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