Day 2213 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Ephesians 3:6 NIV

I've been in Acts for a few days now and one message that just keeps popping up is that the Gospel is for everyone. We've been talking about the amazing gift that we have in Christ. His freedom through salvation is without a doubt the greatest gift that has ever been given. The opportunity to walk away from our sins and the shame that they cause is life-altering!

And what makes it even more amazing is that nobody is ever excluded from that gift. It's not just for some exclusive club or specific group. He didn't die only for the people who looked or talked like Him. He didn't even do it for just those who believed in Him. Christ came to take away the sins of everyone. He is the epitome of one for all!

The thing is that He chose to save every single person because God wants every single person to come to see the dangers of sin. He wants all of us to realize that we have made bad choices and lived apart from Him. He wants every single one of us to experience true repentance that brings about the changes that will allow us to grow back toward Him once more.

In Christ we all have hope. It doesn't matter where we're from. Doesn't matter what we've done. All that matters is that we're humble enough to acknowledge that we've messed up and seriously need His gift to make us right again. The only requirement to accepting His gift of salvation is a heart that's willing to admit our mistakes and strive to live better lives moving forward.

Friends, you are never excluded from what God offers us. The guilt and shame of our past mistakes sure play tricks on us. They convince us that our sins are too bad to be forgiven. But nobody is too far gone. No one is out of God's reach. He can and will set every captive soul free from the clutches of sin and darkness. So wherever you are and whatever you've done just know that He still loves you. He is always ready and willing to forgive so that we can move on to something better than what lies behind us!


  1. We are all God's children. Loved and forgiven through his son and our savior Jesus. Yes we are blessed and loved.

    1. Amen!! It's easy to forget who He says we are when we're so busy listening to others. We need to be living for Him and not trying to make others happy!


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