Day 2214 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Acts 15:19 NIV

I read this one last night and I think it's a perfect follow up to yesterday's post. As we discussed yesterday, the Gospel is for everyone. Not just people living in Israel a couple thousand years ago. Not just those who belong to some group or wear a certain kind of clothing. Christ died for every single person who has or will ever live. No exclusions!

As Christians we are called to love others with the same kind of love that He has shown us. No requirements. No limits. No questions. Just love and kindness. But that's not really the message that the church always shares is it? We say come as you are but that has to actually be how we feel not just what we say to make ourselves look or feel good.

Christ paid the price to build a relationship with each of us, but we've taken that and turned it into religion. Humans have brainstormed all these little rules that folks have to adhere to in order to be accepted and worthy of joining our club. But we've forgotten that our faith isn't a club it's a connection. We need to strip away all the hoops that we expect people to jump through and get back to the simplicity of faith.

The Gospel is about God bridging the gap to humanity that our sins and bad choices created. It's about Him wanting us to return to Him and leave our old way of life behind. The only requirement is a heart set on following Christ to His ultimate promise in Heaven. That's the message of the cross. It's not about making sure someone has the right key to open the door. It's ripping the doors off their hinges so that everyone can come in!

It doesn't matter what people look like. Doesn't matter what language they speak. It doesn't matter if they wear fancy clothes or live in the right place. It's never up to us to decide who is worthy of the opportunity of salvation. If it were only available to those who were worthy then none of us would have a chance. At the end of the day it's about growing in Christ not getting lost in a bunch of rules and requirements. Throw everything out the door and focus in on the open arms of our Savior!


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