Day 2215 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

James 1:21 NIV

So much of what our world has created has become stumbling blocks and barriers that keep us separated from our Father. All of the earthly priorities and ways of living pull people in the opposite direction of where we actually need to go. At one point or another each of us started making choices and concessions that allowed us to better fit in with this place. And in doing so we slowly but progressively lost who God made us.

All of us have become entangled in the filth of what's been deemed acceptable or important. We've fallen in line following everyone else because it's what we felt pressured to do. Fitting in and not feeling like an outcast is far more comfortable than the other side of that coin. So we bend, twist, give in, and go along with whatever the masses are doing because we want to feel like we belong.

The issue with that line of thinking is that we have always belonged. We have always been God's children. We have always been loved and accepted just as we are without the need to be anything else. We just start looking in the wrong places for that approval. One of the things I talked about yesterday is stripping away all the man-made madness and getting back to the simplicity of what our faith is meant to be.

We will never find freedom by trying to fit in with this world. There will always be another requirement. There will always be another foolish battle that people expect us to pick sides in. There will always be some new and exciting form of filth and depravity that takes the world by storm and has everyone enamored. But as Christians we need to stop falling in line with what the world is doing and focus in on being who God calls us to be.

God created you to be something special, something unique. He put His truth in our hearts to help guide us through this minefield we're passing through. He gave us His Holy Spirit which gives us the strength to stand firm in our faith and never again cave to what the world around us wants us to be. Please don't lose that gift He's give us for anything! Get rid of anything and everything that keeps you separated from Him and the calling that He has for your life!


  1. Amen. I like the "we have always belonged, we are God's children." How sad that we miss years of our lives not knowing or not accepting that. The good part is that we can start right now, give him our hearts, our lives and living our lives for him is so much different.

    1. Thank you and exactly! We miss so much by not realizing who we are in Him and we can't accept that. Being able to discover the gift we've been given and be able to live it out every single day is truly incredible!


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