Day 2216 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 John 2:15 NIV

I've recently felt the need to make some changes in my life. It hit me a while back that I was maybe a little too caught up in worldly things. Becoming entangled in this place happens quicker than we realize! Before you know it you're completely sucked in and so turned around that you don't know how to break free. And that is definitely not what I'm looking for in my life.

We often think of addiction as something that could never happen to us because of how it's normally seen. But it really does apply to more than drugs or alcohol. I've personally discovered that I had become addicted to technology. Always checking my phone for messages or updates. Scrolling through social media to stay up-to-date on news that I honestly didn't care about. Playing games that do nothing but waste time and strain my eyes.

So I am fully committed to cutting the cord as much as possible. Four days in and I honestly can't believe just how connected I was. It's almost like I'm having to retrain my hand to not reach for my phone every couple of minutes. I'm having to stop that compulsion to check emails or see what's new on Facebook. But what I've noticed the most is how much more peaceful life has become. And how much more time I suddenly have!

We become so engrained with the world around us that we don't realize that we're letting go of other things. Spending so much time doing what the world does only pulls us deeper into the ways of those around us and further from spending time with our Father. There is this amazing sense of healing and life when we break away from the worldly patterns that we've become accustomed to following.

I really wanted to share this one today because this new perspective that I've found has really made a big difference for me lately. I'm not saying that we need to all burn our cell phones and go live in the woods, though I'm honestly down for that personally! I'm just wanting to encourage everyone to take stock of just how much of this world we're letting into our lives. We have to be careful to not be consumed by this earth or anything in it.

If we're filled up with worldly things then we leave no room for God! And no matter how important something may seem it will never be more important than spending time with God and living to be who He made us to be. We cannot afford to lose that for anything in this place!


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