Day 2217 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Hebrews 2:1 NIV

All of us have been disappointed plenty of times in the past. We've gone all in on something that someone told us would make us happy or bring us peace only to be let down. And it's never a good feeling to get your hopes up only to see them dashed yet again. We're often told that if something seems too good to be true then it probably is. So we adopt this sense of doubt as a way to help protect us from being fooled.

But that doubt can cause us drift. We convince ourselves to not dive too far in to anything. We keep everything at a distance to make sure we're safe. But how long can we afford to make doubt our first reaction? How much are we missing by not allowing ourselves to trust in something that we can't possibly understand? I know that our faith can seem too good to be true but we can't afford to doubt it. Our faith is all or nothing!

We have felt the power of salvation. We have felt the truth of God's word as we read the Bible. We know the power of prayer and the peace that it brings. We know the difference of being focused on God rather than on chasing worldly things. We know the difference between right and wrong. And once we have seen, felt, and learned the powerful reality of our faith we can't possibly forget it!

And we simply can't afford to. We can't risk drifting away from God for anything in this world because temporary things are disappointing. We can't afford to take our faith lightly because we have seen first hand how it's changed our lives and the idea of going back to our old ways isn't good enough. We have to always keep our eyes fixed on Jesus because we will never find our way to His promises by ourselves.

God didn't put us here to get lost in this world. He didn't spend all that time creating and then saving us for us to trade our souls, our hope, our eternity for other things. We have to stop thinking that this place has something to offer that He can't because it's just not possible! Nothing will ever be able to compare to what Christ has done for us so don't go looking and risk leaving Him behind! Don't let yourself drift away from God because living apart from Him is the biggest disappointment there is!


  1. Amen. We should put him first in evrything, in every day and every thought. Walk with Jesus and find our way home.

    1. Yep, well said! Can't get lost when we're walking with the One that knows the way!


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