Day 2218 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Psalm 37:4 NIV

My family and I were talking about happiness last night. We heard that the annual World Happiness Report was released and that sparked our little discussion. I've really discovered something powerful this past week breaking away from all the technology as much as possible. It's a fact that I always knew but this little change recently has helped me realize it's even more true than I ever thought before.

Happiness is inside! It's not in things. It's not in worldly opinions or approval. It's not in getting our way all the time. Happiness isn't reserved for only those rare days when everything is just right. No happiness is this gift that God has given us to enjoy whenever and wherever we choose to let it surface. Our joy never goes away it simply gets hidden behind other things like stress and worry.

When our happiness is tied to anything outside of ourselves then we're probably headed for disappointment. Basing our happiness on something that can get lost, broken, or lose it's luster sets us up for having a hard time staying joyful. But when it's found inside in something that cannot be moved or taken from us then we'll never be without reason to be happy.

Our truest form of joy is found in God and our relationships with Him. When He is our foundation then nothing can move us. If we can't be happy with just being His children and these lives He's written for us then we're in trouble. If we haven't learned to be happy with ourselves as we are then we should never expect some outside source to bring that joy to us. That's too big of a burden to place on any material thing.

Lasting joy is found in the simple things. Not in a bunch of fancy possessions. Not in surrounding ourselves with everything we want. Not in this perfect life that we often envision. Learn to be happy with who God made you and where He has you and you will never struggle for a reason to rejoice. There's something powerful in letting things go and getting back to the basics in life. Find the happiness that God's already planted in you and you'll never need anything else to lift you up!


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