Day 2219 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Philippians 4:11 NIV

I've been thinking a lot about happiness here lately. I think it's one of those things that we all want in life but it often seems evasive. Hidden behind our circumstances. Dictated by our disappointments. The truth is that happiness is easy to find but it requires us looking in a place that not many people know how to find anymore.

Happiness is directly connected to contentment. Being satisfied in life is definitely rare anymore. Everyone is always looking for something else. People never have enough, and what they do have can't come close to filling the holes left by hopes and desires. We've gone so far in the direction of materialism and comfort that we have completely lost the art of being content.

And if we're not content with our lives, with who we are, with the simple things then happiness will continue to elude us. As I said a few posts back, if our happiness is tied to things then we're headed for disappointment. If we can only be joyful when life is perfect then we're going to struggle mightily. Sometimes life isn't close to okay, let alone perfect. So we need to find a different foundation to build our happiness upon.

When we're content with the simple things in life then we're set! A good talk with a dear friend. A classic book or great song. Comfort foods and sunsets. Listening to the birds sing in the morning and watching the clouds roll by throughout the day. A silly joke or even a couple minutes just sitting quietly with nothing going on. It doesn't have to be big to be important. Our happiness is in those little blessings that God sends us every day!

What we need to remember is that our circumstances don't dictate our joy. The things we face don't determine God's goodness. The temporary hardships don't erase the endless blessings. We need to learn to be thankful again. Not worried about what we don't have or will never get, but thankful for everything we have that we don't deserve. When we realize just how good God has always been then suddenly our circumstances just don't matter anymore.


  1. Count it all joy. Good days, bad days are all still days and knowing that nothing last forever and that God already has it all figured out. He has and will give us evrything that we need. What more is there.

    1. Amen!! What could possibly be better than any of the gifts He gives! Realizing that we already have more than enough is when we realize just how great He is. And nothing can top that!


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