Day 2220 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Jeremiah 2:11 NIV

I was given one of those rare opportunities to learn a very valuable lesson yesterday. Last week I decided that I was spending way too much time staring at screens so I made an effort to start fixing that. Yesterday I checked my screen time report on my phone and it was absolutely shocking! I spent a little over 11 hours less on my phone compared to the week before. 11 HOURS!!!

And that doesn't take into account how much time I gained not looking at my computer, which is undoubtedly far more. I honestly couldn't believe that when I saw it. How could I have been spending that much time on some device probably just looking at silly stuff? But it made me realize just how much we trade away without even knowing it.

Everything in life is a choice, and every choice has a consequence. By choosing to stare at a screen scrolling through social media or playing some silly game, I was trading away countless hours of my life. And having decided to do better I can honestly say that I have felt a massive difference already. But we have to realize what we're doing. We have to look at the choices we're making and consider what we're losing in exchange.

We give up so many things simply because we think that one thing is more important or more enjoyable. We trade away our time to things that other people tell us are important. We give away our peace and happiness to things that probably don't deserve them. We lose ourselves in exchange for the ability to fit in with the world around us. We trade away our faith and our relationship with God for worthless idols made by human hands.

It's honestly scary when you really think about it. What are we missing out on because of the choices we're making? How much time are we losing on things that don't matter? How much stronger could our faith be if we truly made it a priority and stopped giving in to all these earthly distractions?

Thankfully we can open our eyes, realize what we're doing, and decide to do better. I guess to sum it up, be careful what you're giving away. We may not even realize just how much we're losing! And if we don't pay attention and evaluate our choices then we may end up making something else our god and allow it to take our Father's place. That's a trade we cannot make!


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