Day 2221 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Corinthians 1:9 NIV

We become leery of faith and trust because we place them in all the wrong things. We put our hope in other people who may potentially let us down. Trust is given to things that break or opportunities that never come around. And when we continually put ourselves out there only to see our trust taken for granted it's all too easy to become hardened and close ourselves off.

This can be a pretty cold and nasty world. Sadly too many people are only looking out for themselves and they'll only do what benefits them. Kindness and caring should be standard but that's unfortunately not always the case. That's why it always stings when someone else lets us down or proves that they simply don't care about us. We all like to assume the best and it's shaking when it doesn't pan out that way.

But we can't afford to harden our hearts just because other people have let us down or simply don't care. At the end of the day it doesn't really matter what anyone else does or thinks. God's not swayed by the behavior of man. He has never taken our faith in Him for granted and He never will. So we can't close ourselves off to Him because His ways are simply higher than this world's.

Not only does He truly love us but He sent Christ to prove it! He really does wans the best for us, but even more than that, He calls us into fellowship with Him. It's bigger than hope or trust. It's a relationship with our Father! So there is no need to ever worry about being forsaken or forgotten or ignored. That's just not who He is!

We have to always remember that God is faithful. Yes people have let us down. And yes they will do it again. We will place hope in things that it shouldn't be given to. We will give folks the benefit of the doubt only to be fooled. But that will never happen with God. We are His children and He will never leave our side or stop loving us. People may not always do right by us but He always has and always will. That's where our faith and trust should be placed. On Christ and Christ alone!


  1. THere is no way to say it or describe it but that he literally is our everything. He is our Father and he will never leave us or forsake us. Thank you Father.

    1. Amen! Pretty much impossible to put into words!! Just knowing that He's always there and will always love us is indescribable!


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