Day 2223 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Psalm 18:30 NIV

After a day like yesterday, knowing that God works differently is about the best chance at peace that we can have. So many things seem to go wrong in life. Plenty of rough days. We've talked a lot about the challenges that we face and the weight that they bring into our lives. It's in those moments that we need to lean most on God and the promise found in this verse.

Yesterday was one of the days that you can't wait to be over. Seeing loved ones sick and hurting. Worrying about new issues that come out of nowhere. Not feeling well. Making mistakes. No matter what you try to do it seems like you can't accomplish anything. Stumbling through the entire day more than ready to go to sleep and hopefully wake up to something better.

All of us have been there and we've all gotten through those days. They're not easy but God still leads us as faithfully through the hard days as He does the smooth ones. We lose ourselves in our circumstances. We become blinded by the things we're going through and how we're feeling. And we eventually forget that God's still in control and His plans are still working for our good.

It's easy to become so focused on what's temporary that we forget the bigger picture. Nothing we face lasts forever. The pains and illnesses that we endure ease over time. The hard days come to an end when we close our eyes at night. And through it all God is still there, still in control, and always working to fulfill His plans and promises for all of us.

I know it can be hard, nigh impossible, to not get tripped up by the hard times but we have to try. If we're going to focus on something let it be the good side of things. God still loves. He still heals. He still guides. He still works miracles every single day. So even though some days are more brutal than others, it will never change the goodness of our God! Never let those hard times drag you to a place that you don't want to be. Cling to the promise of this verse and take refuge in the loving arms of our Lord!


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