Day 2225 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Matthew 11:29 NIV

We wear ourselves out by trying to do more than we're meant to do. We spend our time trying to figure out things that we're not supposed to understand. Anger and frustration become our norm when we spend our time trying to keep up or stay ahead. We learn the ways of this world and think that what everyone else is doing is the only way to go. But in truth, I believe that life is quite a bit simpler than all that.

While we're busy running around trying to figure out life and every detail of it, God is probably up there just shaking His head. It's like overcomplicating things is our hobby. Whether we mean to or not, we often find the hardest, longest, and most excruciating way to do just about everything. It's no wonder that so many are always tired, always upset, always walking around like joyless zombies just searching for the will to live.

It doesn't need to be like that! God didn't write these stories for us to spend our time trying to rewrite them to go our own way. He didn't create us to pick up all the bad habits and dumb ideas that take the world by storm. He designed us to rely on Him and trust in His plans and will for us. So when we live life trying to do anything other than that, we're going to have a rough go of it!

We just need to stop doing what we've been doing and learn a different way. No longer chasing the earthly goals of everyone else. No longer believing that peace is found in understanding life or controlling how things go. No longer lost in all the lies and twisted paths that so many have paved to worthless idols and empty hopes. But to live for God according to His goals with the hope of an eternity in Heaven with Him.

One of the most refreshing parts of this verse is the last little bit at the end. "You will find rest for your souls." Doesn't that sound incredible? Rest. Peace. Calm. The ability to just live and breathe and enjoy this ride we're on. Again, it doesn't have to be as hard or as miserable as we make it. We just need to stop going with the worldly flow and turn back to God and learn His ways of doing things. If we can do that then we're going to find all the peace and rest that we could have had all along!


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