Day 2226 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

John 12:19 NIV

Happy Palm Sunday my friends! The kickoff to one of the most amazing celebrations for the greatest gift ever given. Reading through the story in John a little bit this morning and this verse really caught my attention. Nothing can change what Christ did all those years ago! Nothing can overturn His victory over sin and death. Nothing can stand in our way of the salvation that He offers!

The world threw everything it had at Jesus. They ridiculed Him. They called names. The spread lies and rumors. They tried and tested Him. They doubted Him. They fought against what He said and taught. They punished Him. They crucified Him. They killed Him. They left Him in a grave. They thought that His name, His message, and His movement would fade. They were wrong!

What we get to celebrate this week is a change. It's new way of life. It's a new perspective. It's a new priority. It's the chance to see our sins for what they are and the price they carry. It's our opportunity to learn from our mistakes and fight to live better lives. Christ has sealed the victory over sin and death, and we get to take part in that victory all by humbly giving our hearts to Him and allowing Him to change us for the better.

The world won't stop trying to undo what He's done. But no matter what anyone does, His victory will remain forever! Please don't be on the side that lives in doubt. Don't miss out on what Christ gives us because it seems too good to be true. Don't continue to live apart from Him because it's uncool or unpopular. The gift of Easter is open to everyone, and if we give Christ a chance we will see that the power of the Gospel is unchanged. We will see that He does indeed still save lives and perform miracles!

We talked a while back about stripping everything away and getting back to the fundamental message of the Gospel. It's not about the religions this world has created. It's not about the ones who doubt and live to undo what Jesus has done. It's about a God who loves us so much that He sent His Son to save our souls and set us free from our sins. It's about a Man on a donkey riding to seal the final victory that this world can never take away!


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