Day 2227 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Romans 3:23 NIV

This one has really been on my mind lately. We need to lighten up and give ourselves a break. I don't know about you, but I can get to the point where I'm so hard on myself that nothing I do seems good enough. This worldly aspiration to be perfect is truly consuming. We learn to see our flaws and if we're not careful then they just might become all we can see period!

Now if you've read previous posts then you know I'm all about growing and improving. I believe that God calls us to strive to change for the better and never stop chasing after Him. But we need to be careful that perfection doesn't become our goal. That should never be our pursuit because it just isn't possible. If perfection is our goal then we will constantly be disappointed in ourselves and convinced that we'll never be good enough.

I've had my eyes opened to how self-critical I'd become lately. I had noticed that being happy seemed a little further away. All the things that I was doing weren't good enough, and I was losing the joy for the things that I've always loved. But then I realized that I'm doing okay. Not everything is perfect, but I'm trying. I still have things to work on, but I'm lightyears ahead of where I was a few years ago. It's progress not perfection.

We have to stop seeing ourselves through the lens of not being enough. Look, Christ loves us even though we're far from perfect. He sees all our flaws and knows every mistake. But it doesn't change how much He loves us. Surely we can love ourselves too. Perfection isn't in the cards, so toss it out and don't let it become a stumbling block! Lighten up and don't burden yourself with trying to be something that none of us can be.


  1. We are all very far from perfect. Never were be and not meant to be.

    1. Nope we're meant to be His children, and that's all we need to be. He's perfect for us!


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