Day 2228 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Ephesians 2:9 NIV

Talked yesterday about how our being perfect just isn't going to happen. We may live in a world that expects us to work to earn acceptance, approval, and appreciation, but we can't forget that God doesn't work like this world does. He came down to us. He offers the gift of salvation to us. He does the healing and restoration for us. Our job is to humbly open our hearts to Him.

I think so many times we get stuck working for something we already have. Maybe it's because we're used to having to prove ourselves. Maybe we just think that if we can earn it then our pride won't take the hit of realizing that we're not perfect. It's not about us trying to look good or make ourselves feel better. It's about God showing that He loves us even though we've really messed a lot of things up! Just accept that and stop worrying about your pride.

God's grace is something that none of us could ever hope to earn. As we discussed yesterday, we're all way too far from even okay to think that we can earn something that is priceless. It's the act of giving a gift that makes it even more special. We can't earn it. We can't buy it. We can't trade for it. All we can do is realize what an opportunity we've been given and allow that display of kindness to push us to be better people.

You don't pay someone when they give you a gift. That would negate the idea of a gift. It's someone else taking the opportunity to do something kind and express their love for you. It's them putting you first for a second and choosing to do something nice. Don't water down what Christ did on the cross by thinking that you can pay Him back. Don't soften the truth of the Gospel by believing that you can earn salvation. That's not the point at all.

The whole point is that God loves us regardless of our mistakes. He still sees what we can be even in light of what we've been. And because of His immense love and endless grace we have the chance to accept the greatest gift ever given. Stop trying to earn it. Instead, be changed by it and then work to share it with others. Time spent trying to earn something we already have is time we could be using to share the message of the Gospel with others and help them be changed by it as well.


  1. Amen. There is nothing we have done or deserve that could do what has already been done for us. Accept Jesus into your life and be thatnkful and know that God is our Father and we have been given the greatest gift ever.

    1. Well said! We have to stop seeing it as something to obtain and realize that it really is a gift to accept. He chose to set us free, nothing we can do could ever earn that kind of love. Just accept that undeserved gift and be changed because of it!


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