Day 2230 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Psalm 18:32 NIV

It's all for God through God. So many times we try to live our lives for us and what we want. We've been talking about how we don't need to earn God's love or forgiveness. We don't need to conform to what others want us to be to find our worth. We don't need spend our lives focused on our pride or comfort. None of this will ever be about us!

We are here to serve Christ by carrying His message of restoration to the world around us. It's about helping others learn about what He did for them. It's showing the world that there is a better way to live life. Spreading love and kindness will always mean more than storing up treasures for ourselves or striving for some kind of earthly acclaim. We need to ditch the selfish side of living and aim much higher.

Living our lives for us will only impact us. That's it! Which is why He calls us to lay everything at the foot of the cross and follow His example. Where He is leading us there just isn't any room for our selfish goals or personal desires. There's no time to seek our own glory or worry about our pride. If we really want to follow Him then it has to be about Him and His plans. Any of our own personal stuff that we try to bring along with us will only prevent us from going all in with Him!

If we're willing to stop living the way we always have and give our lives to Him then we will do things we never imagined possible. That's because we get to live with His strength! We get to follow His lead. We get to stop worrying about what will happen, why things unfold like they do, and what it all means. We get to simply trust that His plans are perfect and He will always make a way for them to be fulfilled.

He will always give us the strength to do what He calls us to do. He will make a way for His promises to unfold. He will ensure that things happen when they're supposed to happen. He will watch over us every step of this journey. He will always be with us, always fight for us, always provide what we need to get the job done. We just have to put ourselves aside and let Him steal the show.


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