Day 2231 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

John 19:30 NIV

I'm pretty sure I share this exact verse every Good Friday. To me, it's just the most impactful thought that I can think of when it comes to the meaning and celebration of Easter. Those three little words sum up so much of what our faith is built upon. It's beautiful, humbling, haunting, exciting, powerful. "It is finished."

Looking up the verse this morning and I stumbled across the Greek translation of what Christ said before breathing His last breath. Tetelestai comes from the Greek verb teleo which means "to bring to an end, to complete, to accomplish." But the verb tense refers to something which has been completed in the past with results continuing in the present. So it's more than over and done. Jesus said that He accomplished what He came to do and the results will continue on!

That's exactly why we're still celebrating His selfless gift on that cross 2,000 years later. What He did then still applies today. The victory that He won over sin and the death it earns is eternal. He gave up His life for every single one of us who have ever walked this earth. He chose to take the punishment that we deserved so that we could be given the chance at an eternity of peace that we couldn't have dreamed of otherwise.

Christ came to this earth with a very specific purpose. And He fulfilled every single bit of it! He left us with the kind of opportunity that none of us deserve. The chance to be free. The chance to live better lives. The chance to leave our pasts nailed to a tree. The chance to repent, be saved, and live for more than we've ever imagined. His gift on that day turned us from slaves to sons and daughters. He carried all of our stains to the grave so that they could be left buried, no longer holding us back from Him!

Friends, Good Friday is the supreme example of God's love for us. It is the very pinnacle of what salvation means. I hope that today we all take a moment to reflect on all that's been done for us. There is no way to earn that kind of love. There is nothing we can do to pay Him back for that kind of sacrifice. But we can allow it to change us as it was intended to do. He died for us so that we could live for Him. That's the very least that we can do!

Today your past is gone. The sins are atoned for. The mistakes are washed away. The charges are paid off. The weight is gone. It is finished. Happy Good Friday my friends!!


  1. Amen. You are right that this verse is so many things. But it is everything really. We are blessed and loved and we have been a gift. Thank You Jesus.

    1. Well said! It is everything. It sums up the entire Gospel! It's more than words can describe.


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