Day 2236 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Romans 7:17 NIV

Yesterday we discussed how sin doesn't benefit us in any way whatsoever. Any temporary excitement or momentary thrill is only fleeting and leaves us feeling ashamed and broken every single time. So why do we keep making those bad decisions? Why does sin continue to plague our lives? Why can't we seem to figure it out and get ourselves under control? Those are questions that I know all of us have asked at one time or another.

Are we just bad people? Are we broken beyond repair? Are we just hopeless and destined to suffer the consequences of our weaknesses? Not at all! The mistakes that we make aren't evidence that we're hopeless. Our sins don't tell the whole story. Our weaknesses do not disqualify us from God's love. All our sins and bad choices show is that we still have work to do. We still have room to improve.

Our sins are proof that there is still darkness inside of us that we need to deal with. It's so easy to just sweep things under the rug and pretend that they're not there. But that won't help us get better. That won't help us change. Ignoring our failures and our problems won't help us put the sin in our lives to death. It's a fight that we're going to have to face if we truly want to be the better people and live the better lives that God made us to live.

I don't know about you but I don't want to be controlled by the evil and darkness in this world. I don't want to live looking over my shoulder just waiting for sin to trip me up again. I do not want to risk missing out on an eternity of peace and joy in Heaven because I left something remain unaddressed in my life. Christ took the punishment that brought us salvation. God sent His Son to show us His love and mercy. Repentance is our part!

So friends, fight! Seek out every dark corner in your life where sin and weakness hide and deal with them. Don't hide it. Don't cover it up. Don't act ignorant and convince yourself that they're not there. Do not run from this fight because this fight is for your life! We will never be perfect. We will make mistakes and always have work to do. But we can always keep trying. We can refuse to roll over and accept sin in our lives. The darkness inside us needs to be put to death. We can't afford to let it hang around anymore!


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