Day 2237 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Romans 10:3 NIV

I am loving this trip through Romans lately! Every single night leaves me with at least one verse that I have to go back and read again. Anyone who thinks that God doesn't speak through His word anymore just ain't reading close enough! This one from Romans 10 fits our lives today as much as ever before!

Sin is so rampant in our lives that we go out of our way to make it seem okay. We would rather keep on sinning and tell ourselves it isn't so bad than to stop and actually address our weaknesses and problems. I guess it's easier to make things conform to what we want than to put in the work to change and do things better. We are catering to our brokenness so that we don't have to fix it!

It's amazing what we'll do to convince ourselves that we're right. We redefine truth so that it fits what we want it to mean. We rewrite the rules so that what we're doing fits within the lines and we feel better about our choices. We spin things, twist things, bend and fold whatever it takes to develop our own version of righteousness. I guess we figure that if we're dead-set on doing what we want, but don't want the hassle of our conscience getting in the way, then we can just make up our own standards.

Well that might work in our feeble and delusional minds but it's not going to cut it with God. He isn't changing His law because we like to break it. He isn't giving up on what He says is right because we can't seem to line ourselves out. He isn't tossing out His truth because our version makes us more comfortable. He will not accept sin just because we find it easier to remain broken than to put in the work to get right. He is not persuaded by our arrogance. So thinking that we get a say in what's right and wrong is ignorant!

We're the ones that got distracted. We're the ones that wandered off. We're the ones that chose sin over righteousness. We're the ones who made the bad choices that led us where we are. We are the ones that grabbed the shovels and dug the valley that we filled with the sin that separated us from God. All because we wanted to do it our way. Time to stop! Time to get our minds and lives right. It's time to get back to living according to God's version of truth and righteousness.

Creating our own rules to better fit our stupidity and selfishness isn't good enough! No more reinventing the wheel so that it rolls where we want it to go. God's way. God's truth. God's righteousness. God's purpose. We're passed the time to put ourselves to the side and submit ourselves to following Him. We're not here to change His truth but to allow His truth to change us.


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