Day 2238 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Romans 10:21 NIV

Continuing on this little trek through Romans and this one goes right along with what we discussed yesterday. We have taken it upon ourselves to decide what's right. We have rewritten the rules to better accommodate our inability to adhere to the old ones. We've developed our own truth that fits our opinions. But when our opinions become our truth then we're headed for trouble!

Having an opinion about something is fine. We all do that. But when we let our opinions become our facts and refuse to budge then they become stumbling blocks. We shut ourselves off to any perspective that differs from our own. We refuse to listen to reason because we've already decided that we're right and anything different is wrong. That is a seriously dangerous place to go.

As we talked about yesterday, we can take that mindset so far that we make our sins seem okay. We can become so set in our sinful lives that being told we're screwing up only leads to a fight. That refusal to listen and change seriously causes some damage. We may even get to the point where we tune out God's voice calling us to repent and change our ways. And when that happens then what hope do we have? When we won't even listen to God or give Him a chance then we're done!

It's hard to not take it personally when someone points out our mistakes or flaws. It's hard to not feel upset when we're made aware of our sins. But we need to understand that it's only done to help us. It's only pointed out so that we can fix things and make the changes that make us better. It's never a personal jab from God. That small voice that makes us feel guilty when we do wrong is His gentle way of telling us that we were made for better.

Folks, we need to listen to God above everything else. Even our own opinions. He is always there reaching out to help us crawl our way up and out of the pits of shame and regret that sin create. Don't turn away anymore. Don't tune Him out. Don't allow yourself to refuse His help because His strength and guidance are exactly what we need! Staying lost in sin isn't good enough, no matter how comfortable it may be. There is a better life and He will lead us to it. Please don't be so stubborn that it costs you an eternity of peace!


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