Day 2242 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

James 4:12 NIV

Yesterday's verse really got me to thinking about all of the judgment that's so prevalent these days. With so many polarizing headlines and situations unfolding around us, it's no surprise that there are so many different lines being drawn. Everyone has picked a side before knowing all the facts and that's a dangerous way to go. As I said a few days ago, when our opinions become our truth then we're in trouble!

Our opinions are based on our personal perspective of things. Whatever the matter at hand may be, we form our opinions based on what we think is right and wrong. And at some point, if we're not careful, our opinions can quickly lead us to judging those around us. But as we discussed yesterday, we have no right to judge anyone. As this verse here is reminding us, there is only one judge, God Himself.

Everyone has a right to their opinions but I really think we've crossed a line. When we get to the point where our opinions are used as facts then we're going too far. Sadly, our society has taken opinions and turned them into weapons. Everyone is wound so tight and stuck so deeply into their corners that they're ready to pounce on anyone who does anything that they don't completely agree with. We've grown to see our differences as grounds to stand in judgment. Again, that's not our place.

The problem with our opinions is that they convince us that we're right. We allow them to become our own law. They make us think that we know what's best and that anyone who disagrees is simply wrong. Opinions shut us off to the possibility of any other perspective. We're right, everyone else is wrong, and the hope of a middle ground vanishes like a vapor in the wind. What I think we seem to forget rather quickly is that we're to follow God's law, not our version of it.

I wish that everyone would calm down. Keep an open mind. Be willing to listen. Don't jump straight to calling names, pointing fingers, or throwing stones. How many times in our lives have we been shown that we were wrong? I'm humble enough to admit that I've been wrong more than I've been right. And that's okay because we get to learn and grow because of it. Don't miss that opportunity because you lock yourself away in some dark existence where you’re the judge and jury.


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