Day 2244 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Corinthians 3:18 NIV

Who needs to be humble when you can be egotistical? Seems to be the new way in which our world has decided to operate. There are so many people who think they have all the answers. So much self-wisdom these days! Everyone knows everything, has everything figured out, knows exactly what's right, and looks down on everyone who doesn't agree with their self-righteousness.

Reading through 1 Corinthians last night and this one really hit home for me. This has become one of my main focuses in life lately. You know, the more I learn about the world and its ways the less I want any part of it. The more I see how people treat one another the more I yearn to be different. The more hatred, anger, division, and foolishness that I see the more I'm thankful that I'm not called to fit in down here.

So this verse really sums up this direction that I've chosen to travel in my life. I want to unlearn all the worldly stuff so that I have room to learn better things. The more of my old, broken ways that I leave behind the more capacity I have to behave, to speak, and to think differently. Being wise from a worldly perspective doesn't matter to me anymore. I know what it offers, and what it offers is nothing compared to chasing Godly wisdom.

These two paths couldn't be more different. I think that's pretty clear from many of these verses and posts that we've discussed. The way the people of this world conduct themselves is pathetic. The things that are deemed acceptable are disgusting. The manner in which people treat others is deplorable. Yet so many are good with it all. Let them be. Let those who choose to be like this world go right ahead and do so. But if you're smart you'll choose a different path!

We should all want to be fools in the eyes of this place. We should long to be seen as outsiders, weirdos, freaks, or whatever other name they might call us. We should set our minds to unlearning all the worldly rubbish so that we can learn what matters from God. There is no point, no reason, no benefit in losing ourselves down here. Please don't live your life thinking that this is all there is. Something far bigger, far longer, and far better is coming next. Live your life for what is to come, not what we see right now.

To sum it all up: shake the dust off your feet and leave the ways of this world behind. God's got something better for you, and there's no use in bringing any worldly nonsense on this journey!


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