Day 2245 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

2 Peter 1:4 NIV

I've felt this shift happening in my life recently. It's hard to explain. Hard to sum up. It's this deepening of what matters and the letting go of what doesn't. It's a change in priorities and perspectives. It's this new outlook on everything that is leading me in a new direction that I couldn't be more excited about. It feels like the very essence of what we talked about yesterday in becoming fools to this world and its ways and learning something different.

Throughout the 6+ years of sharing these posts I've talked a lot about not wanting to be like this world. But now that I feel God leading me through this process of actual separation, it's more amazing than I can describe! It really is this feeling of disconnect from all the weight that I've carried my whole life. It's the opportunity to let go of the past mistakes, the current expectations, and the future worries.

But one of the biggest things is this freedom from the ongoing turbulence of this place. There's always something bad happening. Always some horrible headline. Always something new and exciting that everyone is up in arms about. Always someone upset or angry. Always this discontent and division. It gets old, you know? Always having the bad side of life brought to your doorstep. Always being pressured to pay attention to the downfall.

Not interested in playing the game anymore! Thankfully God doesn't call us to fit in down here. He doesn't call us to live like this is all there is. He doesn't want our priorities to become what the world says is right or important. He wants us to be His. To live for Him. To know Him and make Him known. To live for more than the petty goals that so many chase. To not become lost and conformed to a place that we're only passing through.

Our burden isn't to bear the weight of everything that's wrong in this world. It's to serve Him and help people come to know that there is more than this spinning ball of dirt. Personally, I have come to realize that true freedom will never be found as long as we're still attached to the perspectives of this world. True freedom is letting it all go and replacing it with the commitment to following Christ. He is the escape from the darkness surrounding us. And it's something so incredible that words cannot do it justice!


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