Day 2247 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Romans 6:1 NIV

This one hit me before I even got out of bed this morning. In light of what Christ has offered to us, why would we continue living in sin? Sure, we're not in Heaven yet but that's no reason to live in hell. And that's exactly what sin is. Sin is hell. It's misery. It's darkness and pain. It's shame, guilt, regret, anger, jealousy, greed, discontent, and every other horrible thing.

In short, sin keeps us separated from God. Living in sin keeps us from living in His peace. Existing in darkness keeps us from experiencing His light. Choosing to continue living in sin prevents us from the freedom that Christ won on the cross. Doing the same messed up things that we have always done will only keep us separated from our source of everything good.

We don't have to wait! Salvation isn't some future gift. The hope of Heaven isn't some distant dream. It's a promise. IT IS COMING! Christ is coming. So why wait? Why live this life of continually bouncing back and forth between shame and salvation? Why dip our toe in His righteousness only to dive back into the pool of sin? He paid for more than that! He paid to set us free right where we are. Don't wait anymore!

Knowing that we have the opportunity at something that will change our lives for the better does seem impossible. We don't feel worthy. We don't feel deserving of such a gift. We don't see how we could possibly be made new in light of all the mistakes we've made. It's too good for sinners like us. But that's the beauty of His grace! It's not about us deserving it but about Him choosing to offer it to us.

We really do get to change! We really can leave the past behind. We really can shed the weight of the shame, the guilt, the pain that our sins have caused us. Don't wait anymore! Don't carry around something that Christ is ready and willing to take off your hands. Letting sin remain in our lives will only keep us separated from our source of life. Don't do that to yourself any longer! Leave it behind and live for Him!


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