Day 2248 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Luke 18:17 NIV

Y'all ever miss being a kid? Everything seemed so much easier. There were no worries, no fears, no stress, no doubts, no shame, no regret, no weight. We just ran around having fun and enjoying life. We didn't wonder if things were too good to be true. We didn't worry about being let down. We weren't carrying around the burdens of weaknesses and mistakes. We were simply alive and carefree. Simpler times indeed!

Personally I miss those times. Back when trust was natural. When we didn't worry about having things or money or power. Back when our biggest concern was watching cartoons and getting to play with our friends. Unfortunately life never stays that way. We grow up and go through things that bring on the stress and worry. We learn fear. We pick up those bad habits that bring shame and regret. We lose those simple childhood ways.

But here lately we've been talking about making changes and walking away from the negative aspects of life. We've talked about being made new and getting a fresh start thanks to Christ's salvation. What I've tried to share in my last few posts is that we don't have lose the joy of life. We don't have to be overrun with doubts and fears. We don't have to give in to all the negative things that we see and hear. We can choose to focus on the best and appreciate the many blessings we've been given.

That's what this verse is pointing out. Unless we get back to the simplicity of our faith then we're going to struggle with it. Unless we get rid of all the doubt, all the shame, all the weight of life then we're going to keep tripping over them. Life has gotten more difficult as we've gotten older, no questioning that. But our faith doesn't need to be as hard as we make it. It really can and should be as simple as a child trusting in their Father!

Stop making it harder than that. Stop all the questioning and worrying. God loves us! Does it make sense all the time? No. But that part doesn't matter. What matters is that He sees us as His children and nothing we've done has changed that. So instead of trying to be perfect just be His kid. Instead of having everything figured out and under control just trust that He already does. And instead of overthinking and overcomplicating this thing like we do as adults just keep it simple.

Live. Laugh. Love. Hope. Pray. Enjoy the small things. Appreciate the blessings we have. See the best in everything. Be excited for what's to come. Jump into your Father's arms knowing that He will catch you! Above all remember that our faith is about a relationship built on love and mercy. Don't make it hard anymore!


  1. Amen. Good message. Stop making it hard. We did nothing to deserve the grace we have been given, we can't earn it, we are loved, we are his children and we are forgiven. There will be all kinds of days but in the end he created them all.

    1. Thank you, and well put! We need to stop getting lost in the minor details or confusion and just accept the gift that we've been given.


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