Day 2251 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Corinthians 12:27 NIV

Read this one last night and thought it fit pretty well with what we talked about yesterday. And it's another one of those truths that we've forgotten in our modern society. Our differences don't separate us as much as let them. Our unique abilities, interests, and strengths give us chances to help one another in different ways. Unfortunately, these days our differences are all too often used as grounds to argue.

What we've forgotten is that we're all united in Christ. It doesn't matter what denomination the building says where to go to church. It doesn't even matter if you go to a church. It doesn't matter how tall, ugly, rich, skinny, strong, or goofy you are. We are all a part of the body of Christ! Each of us are connected to one another through the blood that He spilled on the cross.

It's so easy to forget what we have in common when we're busy looking at what makes us different. It's easy to forget that we're all brothers and sisters when we're busy drawing lines and choosing sides. We can't afford to keep going that direction if we're actually going to live and love like Christ calls us to. It makes it pretty hard to share His light when we're mixing it with a little touch of worldly darkness!

We need to start seeing everyone else as the co-redeemed people that they are. We're all the ones that Jesus died for! We're all the ones that God created. We're all the ones that God loves. And if God loves everyone, then we should love everyone too. No questions. No requirements. No holding back. It's pretty hard to find a reason to hate or judge someone else when you remember that Jesus was thinking about them too while on the cross!

As we've been talking about, it's time to get back to simplicity of our faith. Loving God and loving others. Working together to grow closer to Him and share Him with the world. There's no room for nonsense in that mission. It's just too important! We are all united in Christ and we each have a chance to make an impact for Him. That's really all that matters!


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