Day 2252 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Psalm 119:37 NIV

How many worthless things have stolen our attention? How many worthless paths have we travelled looking for peace or happiness? How many times have we bought this idea that something of this world held the key to everything we hoped for? How many times are we going to fall into that trap before we learn the lesson? How far are we going to drift away from God in search of something that only He can provide?

This is one that I have seriously had my eyes opened to here lately. I've always been a collector. At one point my room had so many things hanging on the walls that you couldn't tell what color they were painted. It took me a ton of time just to clean and dust because my room was filled with everything that had caught my eye. I surrounded myself with things that I thought made me happy and helped fulfill my life.

I was wrong. And I'm now a recovering collector. I've discovered that I don't like being surrounded by things anymore. It just gets dusty. It gets broken or damaged. It slowly loses its luster until we get rid of it and replace it with something else. I'm tired of that rollover all the time. I'm tired of trying to find my joy in something material. I'm tired of temporary!

I think I shared this not too long ago, but the more stuff we have around us the less happy we are. We forget how to be happy. We forget that joy is an internal thing. It's not found in something hanging on a wall or sitting on a shelf. It's not in our closets or garages. Joy is found in simply enjoying the lives that God has given us. It's found in the gift of Christ and His undeserved forgiveness. Joy is found in trusting God and not trying to do this all on our own.

Don't rely on some thing to bring you joy. I promise you'll be let down. When our hope, our joy, our peace, our comfort, our anything is placed in something that can break or get lost then we're building our house on shaky ground. Don't risk that. Build your life on God. Find the joy in His blessings. Find your peace and comfort in His word. Those things are eternal and they will never disappoint us!

Try this: take some time and look around your house and find the things that you'll take with you when you leave this earth. Good luck!


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