Day 2254 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 John 1:9 NIV

This one hit me out of the blue yesterday. I was in the middle of my workout and started thinking about the things that I'm trying to change, trying to do better, trying to leave behind. I realized that God is helping with every bit of it, but I keep trying to undo what He's doing. I ask Him to help me leave something behind and then I go right back to it as soon it's gone.

We're not very smart are we? We ask God to take something away and then as soon as He does we try to take it back. We want to change, we just don't want to change. It's this weird human problem that we all struggle with. This constant relapse keeps us lost, broken, confused, and full of torment. We get to the point where we start wondering if we can ever break free. Well, we can, but it takes a kind of complete surrender that we rarely tap into.

We have to seriously let it go. Whatever 'it' is for you, let it go. God will help us get rid of things. He will help us change. He will heal us and give us the strength to overcome whatever giant is in our way. But we have to let go and allow Him to take complete control in our lives. As long as we keep holding on to whatever we're trying to get rid of, it will remain in our lives. As long as we keep going back to the things we're trying to walk away from, we'll never make any progress.

Wanting to change and actually changing are very different things. The wanting is the very first step, but there is the work actually begins. Realizing that our sins and bad choices are nothing but this anchor that holds us back from something better is what pushes us to change. But we have to fight for it. We have to want it as badly as we want to breathe. Just wishing for something isn't enough. We have to stop giving it room in our lives. We have to stop diving back into the sin that God has pulled us from.

Thankfully, God is right there ready to help get it done. So when He takes something away, trust Him and let it go! This verse tells us that He is faithful and will always help us do better. He will always wash away the dirt and make us new. Don't look back. You know what's back there and you know it's not what you want. That's why you asked for help leaving it behind! Let God take the lead and follow Him away from the garbage that has piled up in your life. And once He's led you away, don't run back to it!


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