Day 2255 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Thessalonians 2:4 NIV

You have to stand for something or you'll fall for anything. That was a line from this old country song that I heard a bunch when I was kid. But it stuck with me all this time. I think it took root because it's just the truth. Sadly there are a lot of people who don't stand their ground anymore. Many are okay with bouncing from one movement to the next without really caring about anything. Conviction is one of those dying traits in our world.

It seems like everyone just wants to fit in and be accepted. And they'll do or say whatever it takes to make it happen. It's a scary thing to lose yourself and what you believe so that you can please other people. I guess some feel like they need that justification to find their worth. But no matter how hard you may try to fit in and be liked by others, there will always be someone who doesn't like you or agree with what you have to say.

That's why we need to find our backbone. We need to have such strong convictions about our faith that nothing can shake it or make us question ourselves. If we remain so feeble that we can't stand up for what we know to be right then what are we doing here? Trying to please people who are no different than we are? Trying to earn praise that gives us nothing? Why live for something so hollow and trivial?

If we're living for God and doing what we know is right then it won't matter who likes it or who agrees with it. If our focus is loving others and pointing them to Christ then it doesn't matter if it's popular or acceptable. The opinions of this world do not matter! We're all carrying a message that goes against the rampant sin and debauchery of this place. So yeah, they're not going to like us!

Let them hate the messenger, they can't stop the message! Let them judge you for your faith or how differently you live. Let them look down on you and brand you an outsider because you don't go along with they say and do. Wear that as a badge of honor! As this verse reminds us, it's God who tests our hearts. So if our hearts are in the right place and we're living for His purpose then we're doing just fine no matter what anyone else may think!


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