Day 2256 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Romans 5:1 NIV

This has become one of those verses that seems to always be on my mind. Yesterday we talked about the difference in living to please man and living to please God. We're led to believe that we need people to like and accept us. We're sold these ideas of popularity and admiration. We think that our value is found in fitting in and going with the flow. So we cave. We give in. We lose ourselves in order to be what others want us to be.

But it's nonsense! So many people spend their lives trying to earn something they already have. We've all tried to earn the love and respect of others. We've conformed to what others wanted from us so that we could feel approved and accepted. We go along with things that we don't like or agree with just so we can feel like we belong. What we need to understand is that it's all meaningless. Losing our souls to please this world is one of the worst things we can ever do.

Like I said, we simply don't need approval or acceptance of this world or anyone in it. We've already been accepted by God. We're already loved by Christ. We have value because of the gift of the cross. We have our justification through God's mercy. We don't need anyone else to say that we're good enough because He already has! We don't need anyone else to approve of our actions, our choices, our lives because we're living for Him!

The world may never understand our choice to live for Jesus. But they don't know what He's done for us. They don't know what He's saved us from. They haven't experienced the amazing transformations that He's led us through. So it doesn't matter if anyone else gets it. It doesn't matter if anyone likes it. We know what salvation feels like and it's something that worldly approval can't give us!

We can live at peace knowing who we are in Christ. We're loved. We're accepted. We're justified. We're enough. There's no need to be anything different than who He made us. To put it as simply as I can, if God loves us then it doesn't matter who doesn't! So be who He made you to be knowing that's all He ever wanted in the first place. And never change for anyone!


  1. Amen. He is the only one that's opinion matters. He is our Father and he is first in our our lives. He made us just hpw we are supposed to be so walk with Jesus and do not become like this world because this is not our home.

    1. Well said Momma!! Sad thing to change what He made just right to begin with. And all to please people who don't really care anyway. I'll live to please the one that cares enough to die for me. Nobody else can say that!


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