Day 2259 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

2 Corinthians 5:7 NIV

I'm a pretty visual person. I usually find myself just sitting around watching the world and taking notes. Don't talk all that much, hardly at all depending on who you ask. I try to listen as much as I can because I know that people need to know that someone cares about them and what they're going through. But I gain most of my information with my eyes. So this verse is one that really hits home for me personally because it calls me to go in a direction that I don't normally go. It reminds me that our faith isn't one of comfort but of trust.

We've talked a lot about not fitting in and not being dragged away from God by the world around us. Yesterday we discussed how bad company corrupts good morals and how we need to walk away and stay away from the things that will pull us in the wrong direction. That's scary for many. We're hesitant to walk away from what we know or what's comfortable because we know what we have. Even if it's not what's best for us, at least we know what to expect. So we stay.

We're scared to walk into the unknown. We're scared to leave things behind not knowing if we'll find something else to replace them with. We're scared to trust in things we can't see, touch, or hear. But that's exactly what our faith is. It's trust. It's this blind hope that Christ is who He says He is. It's the expectation that His promises, His ways, His plans are better than what we're asked to leave behind in order to follow Him.

As scary as faith may be, it's the only way to truly experience Jesus. Our human senses may bring us comfort but they can't bring us what faith in Him does. They can't lead us to the things that our minds can't imagine. Our eyes can't show us the plans and promises that God has for us. So we need to lean on our faith, our hope, our trust in Jesus because we won't get where we need to be without Him! Taking that leap of faith is scary but it's the first step on this journey to something we could never dream of having.

Friends, please never be afraid of going all in with Christ. Sure, we can't see what He has planned. We can't know what's coming next. It will mean leaving things behind that we never thought of losing. It will take every ounce of trust and hope that we can muster, and often far more. But knowing what He's already done for us makes it easy to know that we can trust Him going forward. His love for us is stronger than anything we've ever experienced. That kind of love cannot fail us or disappoint us.

So trust Him! Give Him everything you've got. Lay everything at His feet and have faith. It won't always make sense and it definitely won't always be comfortable. But a life of faith is far more meaningful than one of comfort! Don't miss that chance!


  1. Very well written post. "So we stay" pretty much sums us up. Harder to jump so we don't. Something we all need to do is let go and let God. Trust him, have faith and walk with Jesus go with him and we will have life like we never could have.

    1. Thank you and well said yourself! He's the only way to the best life possible. Won't find it without Him leading the way!


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