Day 2265 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Galatians 4:16 NIV

Driving down the road this morning, my family and I got a pretty shocking wake-up call. Crazy to think that an Adopt-a-Road sign can leave you in this strange bewilderment. Let me just say that evil is very alive in our world! We've been talking about it ever since, one of those things that is hard to get over. And one of the things that stuck in my mind is how we've come to avoid the truth.

Everyone is so worried about offending someone else that we water-down the truth. We try to soften the blow so that it doesn't hurt anyone. But what we've done is soften the truth so much that it doesn't have an impact anymore. We're so scared of making someone feel bad or offending them that we twist and turn our words to make sure that we don't ruffle any feathers.

The days of fire and brimstone are mostly behind us, but they should have never left. These days the majority of messages that we hear are more toward the sunshine and rainbows side of things. The Bible shares both, but we've started leaning more toward the uplifting than the in-your-face cold hard truth. You're more likely to hear that it's all going to be okay than you are to hear that you better get your act together.

Look, this isn't all fun and games. The Gospel isn't some message that is meant to make people comfortable in their ways. No, the message of Christ and the cross is meant to shake us down to our core. It's meant to show us the very real damage that sin and evil cause in our lives. It's meant to change us, to push us to do better, to light a fire inside of us that cannot help but reach out and let others know about the salvation that we have in Jesus. Christ came to save our souls, not make us comfortable.

What really hit me is that there are people around us who are going to hell. That's just the truth of it. Yes that stings. Yes that's scary. But yes it's the truth. The evil in this world has people in its grip and if they stay there then they're heading for the wrong side of eternity. That should stir us to fight like never before to share the message of Christ and do whatever we can to help people turn to Him. We can't afford to take the soft approach to evil anymore!

We can't keep softening the truth to the point that it loses the power to save. Hell is real. The devil is really working to blind people to righteousness. Evil is rampant in this place. Sin is deadly. We don't need to soften that blow because while the truth may hurt a bit, pain is a great teacher. It helps us learn to do things differently so that we can avoid the consequences of doing what's wrong. So offend them. Offend people with the truth. Take that risk. We can't afford not to.


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