Day 2266 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Ezekiel 33:7 NIV

Leave no soul untold. That has suddenly become this idea running through my mind that I just keep thinking about. Seeing what I saw yesterday morning on a simple breakfast run really opened my eyes to the importance of this mission to share the Gospel and tell others about the dangers of sin and darkness. The consequences for our worldly sins are more dangerous and deadly then we like to consider. But there's no avoiding that truth.

We talked about that yesterday. People don't like the truth because it forces them to confront their issues. It's far easier to ignore our weaknesses and to allow ourselves to remain comfortable in our sins. But that choice to choose comfort over truth will only keep us on the trajectory toward an eternity of suffering. Why would we knowingly choose hell as our destination when we've been given the chance at something so much better?

As Christians we have a duty to those around us to let them know the Good News of Jesus Christ. We have the responsibility to tell others about salvation and forgiveness. We have the task of being His hands and feet reaching out to those who are lost in this world of rampant sin and help Him save their souls. This job is more important than worrying about offending someone or hurting their feelings. Let them be offended if it means possibly saving them for eternity!

Each of us know the power of God's saving grace. We've felt the healing that comes through the redemption from sin and shame. We know first-hand the radical change that the cross has brought into our lives. We can't keep that to ourselves. We can't allow others to stay lost when we know how incredible it is that we've been found. As I said yesterday, there are people around us who are headed for a lot of pain and suffering. If we can do something to potentially save them from that then we have to!

Our world shares this twisted message of doing whatever you want to do. Evil wants people to stay comfortable in their sins. Christ wants every soul to turn from their wicked ways and leave those sins behind. You and I are the ones to tell them. We're the ones to help people hear about Jesus and encourage them to open their hearts to Him so that He can do for them what He's done for us.
This calling cannot be overlooked. It cannot be avoided because we don't want to make people angry. This is life and death, so we can't afford to hold back anymore.


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