Day 2267 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Ezekiel 33:9 NIV

Wickedness pulls us into this weird existence where we become convinced that everything we do is okay. We get it in our heads that we're free to do as we please without fear of punishment or consequence. And oddly enough, we live in a world where evil and darkness do seem to flourish at times. We see so many people doing what's wrong and yet they seem to get by with it. So we're left in this confusion that can pull us in the wrong direction.

Look, regardless of how things look or what twisted message the world shares, sin is wrong. The evil in our world will be dealt with. It might not happen in this life, but there are consequences to living in darkness. There's no avoiding that fact. That's why we need to fight with every ounce of our being to help others see the light of Christ. We have to share the Gospel and help Him save as many as possible by whatever means necessary.

Some won't like it. Many don't want to hear that what they're doing is wrong. It's not fun or comfortable or enjoyable to hear that you're messing up and making mistakes. But the truth, however painful and harsh, will set us free! Christ is the truth and He will set every person free that turns to Him and repents of their sinful ways. That's the message that the world needs to hear, whether or not they want to hear it!

We are the ones to share that message. We're the ones to tell others about Christ and His gift of love and salvation. We're the ones to warn others of the very real dangers of living in sin. God asks us to do that very thing. That duty cannot be ignored or taken lightly. Again, it is a very real matter of life and death! If we don't tell others then we're letting them down and we're failing God as well. That's simply not acceptable. It will never be good enough.

So share the message. Pray for healing. Pray that people will hear the truth, take it to heart, and be changed and saved because of it. If they don't, at least we will know in our hearts that we did what we could to give them a chance. At least we will know that we didn't seal their fate by allowing them to remain ignorant of the truth. Some may hate us for telling the truth. Some may not listen. But we can know that we tried. At the end of the day, each person's salvation is a matter between them and God. The least we can do is help them set up the appointment for them to meet!


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